News Retro Fade

More Retro Fade Shirts

More Spring 2011 shirts are in the process of being made. Our screen printer just sent us this pic of our Retro Fade shirts. It’s the shirt that Kyle was wearing in the SD Ditch Party and photogallery.

These shirts are available NOW so go get ’em from your local shops, favorite mail orders or our online store.

SD Ditch Party

We went down to San Diego recently to meet up with Dirt Ron, Hoang Tran, Tom Perry and Kyle Hart. We delivered our new shirts and they delivered the goods. Watch this video to check out a chill session we had in one of San Diego’s many ditches.

These shirts are AVAILABLE NOW! To get a closer look at the shirts, hit up the flipbook and then call your local shops / mailorders to get some! If you live in the US, you can also buy it from our online store.

Spring 2011 Apparel

Available now!!!

85 Jersey
Mr. Wheelie
Round & Round
Retro Fade

Tom Perry in the Mr. Wheelie tee
Dirt Ron in the 85 Jersey and Hoang in the Teamster tee
Kyle Hart in the Retro Fade tee.
Hoang in the Round & Round tee.

Here’s our latest batch of shirts and they’re all available now! Hit up your favorite shops and mail-orders to get these new threads or, if you live in the US, you can grab ’em at our online store.

Click through the flipbook above to check them out and then make sure to watch the video that goes along with it!